Programs and Policies
Elementary Policies Overview
Changes in Assigned Transportation: All children riding buses are assigned to ride a specific bus. If parents wish their children to walk to or from school, they should send in permission slips to school. These notes should state the time that the permission covers. It may be a blanket permission for the year or it may be for more specific occasions. From time to time, parents may wish their child to ride a different bus from school (i.e., Cub Scouts, Brownies, grandmother's house, etc.) A duplicate written request for this change must be sent to school with the child. The Main Office will furnish instructions to the bus driver. This procedure applies to any change in a child's transportation assignment.
Attendance and Excuses: In New York State, there are Excused and Unexcused reasons for absence.
Attendance and Excuses: In New York State, there are Excused and Unexcused reasons for absence.
Excused: An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to personal illness, illness or death in the family, impassable roads due to inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinic, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations or other such reasons as may be approved by the Board of Education.
Unexcused: An absence, tardiness or early departure is considered unexcused if the reason for the lack of attendance does not fall into the above categories (e.g., family vacation, hunting, babysitting, haircut, obtaining learners's permit, road test, oversleeping) In case of illness or injury at school, parents will be notified to pick up and assume care of the child. Parents should call the Main Office the morning of the absence. A written excuse for an absence from school should be brought to school the day the child returns to school.
The excuse should include: child's name, dates of absence, reasons for absence (if illness, type), and parental signature.
Disciplinary Procedures: Consistency is the essential requirement of any disciplinary policy. To maintain this consistency, we have developed procedures for discipline which are included in our Student-Parent Handbooks.
Physical Education: Sneakers are required for all Physical Education classes. Children in Foruth and Fifth Grade must wear physical education uniforms for physical education class.
Health Care: The school nurse is on duty in the Health Room to care for a student's health needs. During the year, each child receives screenings for vision and hearing. Physicals are given by the school doctor to all first and third graders unless they receive one by their family physician. The school nurse is not allowed to dispense medication of any kind without written direction from a physician.
Breakfast/Lunch Program: Balanced meals are prepared by the lunch director and are served each full school day. Meals include milk and dessert and the cost is $1.25. Monthly menus are available from the teachers to all the students.
Children may also purchase any of the following: Milk - 30¢ & Ice Cream - 50¢
Building Safety: This year we will continue to implement the following building safety procedures to ensure that your child is in a safe secure learning environment.
Building Safety: This year we will continue to implement the following building safety procedures to ensure that your child is in a safe secure learning environment.
- All visitors MUST report to office.
- All visitors must have permission from the principal, coordinating teacher, or secretary to proceed to any other area.
- Visitors and volunteers are expected to sign in at the office and wear a visitor's badge.
- Visitors and volunteers must sign out and return badge upon leaving.
- The Building Principal must approve all volunteers. Every volunteer must complete a volunteer application. Applications are available in the office.
- All doors will be locked except the main door. All of the doors have crash bars and can be exited even if they are locked from the outside.
- All Students arriving or leaving the building with a parent must be signed in/out at the main office. School Secretaries will call the student down to the office.
Psychological and Social Work Services: A psychologist and social worker are available to meet with children and parents upon referral by the teacher, parent, or principal. These mental health services are focused upon preserving the child's well-being and helping him or her adjust to the school surroundings. The psychologist and social worker work closely with parents and teachers. Referrals to these specialists should be viewed as a positive step in helping children.